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What is NMN – Nicotinamide Mononucleotide?


What is NMN – Nicotinamide Mononucleotide?


Nicotinamide mononucleotide, or NMN, is a molecule found naturally in all living things. It's a derivative of vitamin B3 (niacin) and is crucial for creating nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+).

NAD+ is essential for many biological processes, such as energy production, DNA repair, and cell signaling. As we age, our NAD+ levels gradually decline.

This decline is linked to many age-related issues, leading researchers to explore ways to increase NAD+ levels in the body. This is where an NMN supplement comes in to potentially combat this natural aging process as a longevity supplements.


How Does NMN Work? Nicotinamide Mononucleotide

NMN acts as a precursor to NAD+, giving our bodies the building blocks to make more NAD+ naturally. This is key because NAD+ itself is not easily absorbed by the body.

Supplementing directly with NAD+ isn’t effective. However, supplementing with NMN products provides our bodies with what they need to boost NAD+ levels indirectly that makes these supplements work

Think of it like this: imagine your body needs a brick wall (NAD+), but it can’t use whole bricks. Instead, you need to give it materials like cement and smaller components (NMN) to construct that wall.

The Science Behind NMN Supplement-Nicotinamide Riboside

With any supplement, understanding the science is important. Numerous studies, particularly in animals, have explored NMN’s effects.

Increased Lifespan: Mice given NR, another precursor to NAD+, experienced a slight (around 4%) increase in their lifespans. While this doesn’t directly translate to humans, it’s a promising finding for those seeking an NMN supplement.

Enhanced Mitochondrial Function: A study on mice revealed that NMN naturally helped to improve how well their mitochondria worked. Additionally, it also appeared to lessen DNA damage.

Improved Cognitive Function: Researchers noticed that NR seemed to boost cognitive function in mice, suggesting potential brain-protective properties.

Protection from Hearing Loss: In another study on mice, NR appeared to safeguard them against age-related hearing loss by increasing SIRT3. This ties back into the importance of sirtuins in maintaining our health.


NMN Human Studies

While animal research gives valuable insight, studies on humans provide more applicable evidence for an NMN supplement nicotinamide riboside.

Improved Heart Health: One study found that NR, taken consistently, could significantly lower blood pressure in individuals with mild hypertension, improving overall heart health.

Increased Metabolism: A study on overweight men and women demonstrated that six weeks of supplementing with 1,000mg of NR daily led to an increase in NAD+ in their muscles. There were also observable shifts in their metabolism and weight loss.

Enhanced Muscle Function: Researchers looking into age-related changes found that supplementing with NR increased NAD+ levels in the muscles of older adults. This led to a reduction in inflammatory markers as well. Source. Additionally, this shows the potential for an nmn supplement to impact older adults looking to maintain muscle function.


Why Amazon Stopped Selling NMN?

This is a frequent question among those seeking NMN support. It’s not just in the UK that NMN faces regulatory hurdles; even retail giant Amazon has stopped selling it.

The reasons come down to regulatory changes that may be coming. It boils down to NMN’s classification as a “new drug” by the FDA (in the US) and a UK, making it a somewhat “grey” area.

This doesn’t necessarily imply something is wrong with NMN; it highlights the evolving landscape of supplements and regulations. So, it may be challenging to purchase an NMN supplement from a large retailer.

NMN vs Niacin: Are They the Same?

Since NMN dosage is derived from niacin, people often ask if they are essentially the same. While related, NMN and niacin aren’t interchangeable. Niacin itself is an essential vitamin.

It’s vital for many bodily functions. While both nad plays a role in the NAD+ pathway, NMN bypasses some steps required by niacin to become NAD+, potentially making it more efficient for nad salvage a bigger response. But more research, particularly on long-term use, is needed for NMN supplementation.

NMN Supplement Conclusion

Interest in NMN supplements is increasing, particularly among individuals who want to age healthily and address aging along with nad boosters. However, the regulatory grey area, driven by its food classification, presents challenges. As we learn more, regulations surrounding safe nmn supplement might become clearer. However, it underscores the importance of thorough research before trying new supplements. Stay informed, prioritize your health and always speak with your doctor to ensure it aligns with your personal well-being goals for NMN daily supplementation.



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