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Manufacturers Supply Aole Emodin Bulk Price For Medical Cosmetic Usage Free Sample Ready Ship Stock

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Manufacturers Supply Aole Emodin Bulk Price For Medical Cosmetic Usage Free Sample Ready Ship Stock

Product Name:Aloe-emodin

Appearance:pale brown

Test Method: HPLC

Sample:Free Sample

Stock:In Stock

Shelf Life:2Years

    • fday7r
    • HACCPzbi
    • Halalkp2
    • ISOq8g
    • Kosherpsw
    • mgyjvjc
    • omyjvdg

    Product Introduction

    Aloe-emodin is an anthraquinone compound [1] with a chemical formula of C15H10O5. It is mainly derived from the dried roots and rhizomes of Rheum palmatumL, Rheum tanguticum Maxim.ex Balf or Rheum officinale Baill, all of which are Polygonaceae plants.

    1 (1)aix

    Product Function

    Aloe emodin is an effective antibacterial component of rhubarb. The bacteria sensitive to it are Staphylococcus, streptococcus, Bacillus diphtheria, subtilis, anthrax, paratyphoid and dysentery, among which staphylococcus and streptococcus are the most sensitive. Aloe emodin also has the function of inhibiting DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis in cancer cells

    1 (2)m8g

    Product Application

    It has antibacterial effect and has inhibitory effect on staphylococcus, streptococcus, diphtheria, subtilis, dysentery and other bacilli. There is also a purgative effect, clinical use as a laxative

    Aloe emodin is the antibacterial effective component of rhubarb, is a kind of orange acicular crystal (toluene) or soil yellow crystalline powder of chemical substances, aloe emodin can be extracted from aloe vera, aloe emodin has many benefits to human health, with anti-tumor activity, antibacterial activity and immunosuppressive effect, purgation effect, is widely used as drugs, cosmetics raw materials. Anti-tumor effect: In recent years, scholars at home and abroad have been interested in the anti-tumor effect of aloe emodin. Its main anti-tumor activity is concentrated in neuroectodermal tumor, liver cancer, lung squamous cell carcinoma, skin Merkel cell carcinoma, stomach cancer, leukemia and other tumors, and the anti-cancer range is wide. Aloe emodin has an inhibitory effect on P388 leukemia cells and can prolong survival. One of its mechanisms of action is to inhibit the biosynthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins in cancer cells. Antibacterial activity: Aloe emodin can inhibit staphylococcus, streptococcus, diphtheria bacillus, subtilis, anthrax, paratyphi bacillus and dysentery bacillus at the concentration of 1.5-25mg /ml, among which staphylococcus and streptococcus are the most sensitive, and the effective concentration of antibacterial bacteria is 15-25ug/ml. Staphylococcus aureus 209P, Escherichia coli and Bacillus dysenteriae fowleri were treated at 7.5mg/L and 600mg/L in vitro, respectively. One of the Chemicalbook mechanisms is to inhibit electron transfer in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Aloe emodin has a strong inhibitory effect on nucleic acid and protein synthesis of Staphylococcus aureus. Aloe emodin has a strong inhibitory effect on common clinical anaerobic bacteria, among which it can inhibit the growth of common fragile bacterium by 90% to 100%, and its MIC is slightly higher than metronidazole. At 8μg/ml, 76% to 91% of anaerobic bacteria were inhibited. Immunosuppressive effect: Aloe emodin can inhibit the production of biological antibodies and inhibit carbon particles.

    1 (3)ycm

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    Product Data Sheets

     Physical and Chemical analysis:
    Item   Specifications Method
     Physical and Chemical analysis:    
    Characters Fine Powder Sense Organ
    Color pale brown Sense Organ
    Odour characteristic odour  
    Sense Organ
    Taste Characteristic Sense Oorgan
    Particle Size 98% pass  80 mesh 80-mesh screen
      Loss on Drying % ≤3.0 GB/T 5009.3
      Ash Content % ≤3.0 GB/T 5009.4
          Content % Aoleemodin  ≥95.0 HPLC
    Residual Analysis:    
    (Pb) PPM ≤1.5 GB/T 5009. 12
    (As) PPM ≤1.0 GB/T 5009. 11
    (Hg) PPM ≤0. 1 GB/T 5009.17
    (Cd) PPM ≤0.3 GB/T 5009.15
    Total Plate Count cfu/g ≤1,000 GB/T 4789.2
     E.Coli    MPN/ 100g ≤40 GB/T 4789.3
     Moulds&Yeast cfu/g ≤50 GB/T 4789.15
    Pathogenic bacteria (Shigella, Streptococcus haemolyticus) Negative GB/T 4789.5/ 11
     Samonella /25g Negative GB/T 4789.4
     Staph.aureus /25g Negative GB/T 4789.10
    General Status:    
    GMO Free \
    BSE-TSE Not containing animal     ingredients and derivatives \
    Packing: Double plastic bags inside, Fiber drum outside, Net Weight 25kg
    Storage: Storage at cool and dry area
    Shelflife: Two years when stored properly


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